
I will be sharing this week a website for book lovers, who would want to share their opinions and reviews on books, book stores, book cafes and many more.

Bookbed started as an online 2nd hand bookstore from, which is now known as, and that was early 2009. Since then it had evolved from online bookstore to online book review site and finally to what it is now known as a community for book lovers and aspiring writers and artist sharing their stories and experience with the books and places that they have encountered.

Bookbed is always open for application for those who would want to contribute a blog post or article for the site. I just discovered them this year, I had already contributed 2 blog post for them.

Seeing your works from another website for me is very gratifying feeling and I'm glad that Bookbed actually accepted my entries. (because I'm not quite a good writer)

So those of you who wants to share their ideas and reviews about anything about books or would just want to look for the next book that you want to read. Visit Bookbed and you might find what you are looking for :)

Until next time,
